The committee is comprised of select students and employees who discuss leadership development initiatives and work toward a coordinated vision for leadership development.

Student Leadership Interns: Matwos (Matt) Tadesse ’24 (Intern), Eurnett Christopher ’25 (Associate Intern), Jermaine Grant ’25 (Associate Intern). Applications for the Internship are accepted from 11/1 to 12/10 of each year.  Learn More & Apply!

Committee Members for 2023-24: TBA

The Leadership Education Committee meets weekly on Mondays from 7-8 PM. Meetings include conversations about all aspects of the leadership education program, planning the annual Leadership Institute, and bi-weekly book chapter discussions each semester. The Leadership Interns are the primary force behind the logistical preparations needed to implement the annual programs including the Hoff awards. Applications for the Committee are accepted from 11/1 to 12/10 of each year.

The committee’s purpose is to create and support:
educational experiences that are grounded in leadership theory and established research; (2) leadership opportunities designed to be properly sequenced for realistic challenge and support which matches student readiness; and (3) educational interventions framed in a way that encourages active learning through concrete experiences, regular feedback, and reflection.

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